Penyebab Rombel 2023/2024 Ganjil Tidak Muncul

Sinyalabidnet- Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, friends. On this occasion, I would like to share information about how to find out classes that have not been processed in the study group system. Several operator friends have asked about this, complaining that the buttons for the years 2000-2023-2024 are not available.

Usually, when a grade promotion has been made, a button for odd years will appear in the study group menu. However, if there are unprocessed classes, this button may not appear. Therefore, it is important for us to know which class has not been processed in order to solve this problem.

First of all, we can see the classes that have been processed for promotion or graduation by looking at the processed increase menu. However, in this situation, we'll try to find out the unprocessed classes with the following steps:

  1. Masuk ke menu "Rombongan Belajar" di dalam sistem.
  2. Pilih semester genap pada tahun sebelumnya.
  3. Pada halaman ini, kita dapat melihat status proses kelas-kelas tersebut.
  4. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa kelas-kelas yang telah diproses kenaikan atau kelulusan akan terkunci, sehingga tidak ada lagi menu edit dan hapus rombel untuk kelas-kelas tersebut.
  5. Jumlah siswa dalam setiap kelas juga dapat menjadi indikator. Jika jumlah siswa telah terisi penuh (misalnya 37/55), itu menandakan bahwa kelas tersebut telah diproses. Namun, jika jumlah siswa masih kosong (misalnya 0/55), kemungkinan besar kelas tersebut belum diproses.
  6. Untuk memastikannya, kita dapat memilih "Lihat Detail" untuk melihat informasi lebih lanjut. Jika terdapat opsi "Edit Rombel" dan "Hapus Rombel", berarti kelas tersebut belum diproses.

For example, if we find class 3B with status 0/55, it means that this class has not been processed for promotion or graduation. In such a situation, if there are no students in the class, it is better to delete the class. If later the class is needed again, we can create a new study group.

After deleting the non-working classes, we can return to the study group menu and see that buttons for odd years, such as 2023-2024, have appeared. Thus, the problem of unprocessed classes has been resolved.

That's the little information I can give about how to find out classes that haven't been processed in the study group system. If all classes think it's been processed but the button for odd years still doesn't appear, check again to see if any classes have no students and aren't working. If there is, it is better to delete it. I hope this information is helpful. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.